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Friday, June 24, 2016

Go fly a kite!

I'm currently working through one of Christine Valters Paintner's books:
Illuminating the Way: Embracing the Wisdom of Monks and Mystics.
The first chapter is about St Francis: The Archetype of the Fool. As a "spiritual practice" I decided to go and fly my kite on the beach. I've always loved kites and have a lovely one that takes off very easily. But I haven't flown it for years. I did feel slightly foolish as a 70 year old grey haired woman (with no children or grandchildren in tow)! But once it was sailing up into the clouds it felt freeing, invigorating and joyful. I wandered along the beach feeling the kite tugging on the string - dipping, diving and dancing in the wind. It connected me with the freedom of riding the wind of the Spirit wherever it takes me and wanting to fly as high as my "string" will allow. A quote from Christine's book: "Humility is really a dance between embracing our limits and our giftedness. It means finding humor in our shortcomings and foibles and learning to take ourselves less seriously. ... In connecting with our inner Fools we are able to risk seeming foolish in service of freeing ourselves to follow what is most essential. Humility can help illuminate the way ahead."