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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God and the Evolutionary Impulse

Language is a funny thing! The same truth can be expressed in various ways and each way will communicate well to some people and be rejected or ignored by others. I am delighted and motivated by the 21st century ways in which age old truths about God are being expressed and explored by thousands of people who would not pay any attention to classical theological language.

Here's an example:  I am currently participating in an on-line course led by Craig Hamilton (of Integral Enlightenment). More than 2000 of us across the globe are joining together to explore Awakening to an Evolutionary Approach to Life. This week we are diving deeply into what it means to be living from a true alignment with the indwelling spirit of God. Only that isn't the language used! Although Craig often uses the word God he also acknowledges that for many people that word carries unhelpful connotations. Instead the Divine Creator in whom we live and move and have our being, is described as the Evolutionary Impulse that continues to bring forth life and passionately desires that love, creativity and justice be incarnated in each human being.  What might it mean to wake up each morning and say: "How does the Divine Evolutionary Impulse want to be expressed through me, today?" As we were reminded, "If not through you, then who?"

Of course a one paragraph summary doesn't do justice to the extent of the nine week programme.  I am challenged and motivated by the depth and breadth of this course. New language clears away the familiarity that can so easily become inertia and wakes us up to the potential - and responsibility - to have an essential part to play in "bringing heaven to earth".  Naturally it is not just the language that makes the difference. It is also the commitment to act on what is revealed.

What interests me is that what is being explored here is exactly what Teresa of Avila was saying in the 16th century:
"Christ has no body now, but yours.
No hands, no feet on earth, but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which
Christ looks compassion into the world.
Yours are the feet
with which Christ walks to do good.
Yours are the hands
with which Christ blesses the world." 

And Jesus himself said: "I tell you for certain that if you have faith in me, you will do the same things I am doing." (John 14:12 CEV) Jesus clearly incarnated the Evolutionary Impulse (the energy and passion of God). If it is to be incarnated today it will be through you and me - along with the thousands of others around the world who are being motivated by 21st century language when  traditional religious terminology no longer has meaning. I believe God's passion for love and justice to be incarnated in our world will be communicated to all who are open to listen and act both "inside and outside the fences".
Lord Holy Spirit,
You blow like the wind in a thousand paddocks,
Inside and outside the fences,
You blow where you wish to blow.
(from Song to the Holy Spirit by JK Baxter)