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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

LBL Day 2: Remembering why

Many charities are combining to issue this Live Below the Line challenge. I have chosen to send the money I raise to TEAR Fund who will use it towards giving new opportunities to girls sold into sexual slavery. Here's a quote from TEAR Fund's website:

"Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings, mainly for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labour. At the moment it's estimated that 27 million are in slavery across our planet. The average age of a trafficking victim is only 12 years old.

We think that’s outrageous and so we’re fighting for their freedom by supporting the work of our local partner Share and Care in Nepal and the incredible team at Nvader. If you Live Below The Line for TEAR Fund you’ll see your money preventing, rescuing and rehabilitating the innocent victims of the fastest growing criminal industry of our generation."

I have received donations from many Church people but if you are a Blog reader who would like to contribute to this cause you can donate directly (without it having to go through me) here. Scroll down to Anti-trafficking in Nepal.

And as for me today - I haven't felt as hungry today even though I have eaten exactly the same as yesterday. Maybe my stomach is shrinking :-)