I often eat according to the clock: "It's 12.30 so I will eat lunch."
Or out of habit: e.g. between my two morning clients I have coffee and a cracker and cheese.
Or to distract from emotions: e.g. with this frustrating and agonising America's Cup dragging on I feel like escaping into a nice cup of coffee and a piece of cake! (But I won't this week!!)
Or from boredom: Eating something nice fills a boring or lonely space.
Or simply for pleasure: My favorite cafe has a great double shot coffee and a fruit tart that make an excellent treat!
(It sounds as if I drink a lot of coffee. Actually I don't - and I'm not really missing coffee itself this week - but I can see that it is one of my special treats - especially the "real" coffee in a cafe!)
Today is my day off and I have been to Tai Chi for an hour. Coming home at 11.05am I was really hungry and thinking "I'll be even hungrier later if I eat lunch now!" Then I remembered that I had "saved" half of yesterday's apple. What a lovely thought. So half an apple and a cup of hot water felt like a real treat and lasted me till lunchtime.
When I am really hungry - and don't immediately eat - I notice I get irritable, anxious and distracted. It gives me a much greater appreciation of what it's like for children who go to school without breakfast (or lunch).
Dinner anyone?
A mix of lentils, kidney beans, tomatoes and frozen veg. Quite nourishing but not top of the usual menu choices. We have now run out of tinned tomatoes and will only have enough frozen veges for one more meal.
Today has been a hard day for both of us. We have both felt extra tired and not really focussed. I went for a walk down to the beach this afternoon (in the rain!) to get some fresh air but it wasn't a good idea as coming home uphill felt a real challenge. Again - such a good experience of the energy depletion that goes with less food.
So - the end of day 3. Nothing to complain about - just lots to learn and ponder. And of course I have only two days to go. Billions of people have no end in sight. Very sobering.