Surely I can't be that addicted to "having the world at my fingertips"! After all I don't even have a Smart phone… But my trusty iPad was supposed to connect me to emails, Blogs, weather forecasts, timetables for transport, "what's on" in a strange city… etc etc
I have to admit I was frustrated!
But it got me thinking.
Like most things, there are pros and cons to being constantly "connected".
Used wisely the World Wide Web (www) is an amazing tool that demonstrates an even deeper reality that both scientists and mystics have known for some time -
we really are all connected at levels far beyond the internet. There is much food for thought here. I might have lacked Wi-Fi connection but at deeper levels connection is never lost. Unfortunately though, we are often completely unaware of it.
Synchronistically (!) I'm currently reading a book by Ilia Delio called The Unbearable Wholeness of Being: God, Evolution and the Power of Love.
Delio is a Catholic Sister who is the winner of a Templeton Course Award in Science and Religion. I haven't read very much of the book so far but as the title and sub-title suggest she is delving into the spiritual and scientific depths of our connectedness. She will be in Auckland and Christchurch later this month and I am looking forward to attending a series of lectures she will give. (If you are interested email Joan Roberts for a brochure and registration: )