This quote comes from an essay written by Br. David Steindl-Rast in 2006. It is every bit as relevant today - in fact it seems a prophetic statement!
In it he outlines Five Small Gestures of Gratitude to Counteract Fear.
They are:
1. Say one word today that will give a fearful person courage.
2. Make a firm resolution never to repeat stories and rumours that spread fear.
3. Make contact with people whom you normally ignore.
4. Give someone an unexpected smile today.
5. Listen to the news today and put at least one item to the test of Common Sense.
It is definitely worth the time to read the whole Blog post expanding each of these "gestures". Click the link above or click here to do so.
They are deceptively "small gestures" but it is surprisingly easy (I find) to slip into old habits like repeating fearful stories and rumours or not stopping to think who I might usually ignore and making a deliberate connection.
To understand why Common Sense has capitals and see the connection of all this to Gratitude you really do need to read the longer expanded paragraphs on each point.