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Monday, February 21, 2022

Emerging from Emergency: Callings, Sacred Activism and Quantam Leadership


I'm writing this as New Zealand is in the second week of a protest on the grounds of Parliament. The protest is mainly about Covid mandates, but it seems there are various groups and various issues to protest about. It's as if there is no clear leader or direction which makes mediation and a way forward difficult. The topic of sacred activism and sacred leadership could not be more relevant.

Shadow work. In this Birth The New Earth conversation one theme comes up several times. We need to face our shadow - personally and collectively. That unconscious "stuff" that we all carry, comes out forcefully when we have some "other" on whom to project our animosity, criticism and anger. We all do it! Anyone we "other" and react to has something to mirror back to us. 

Activism can become just as angry and oppositional as the original issue. Stephen Dinan said: "Don't denigrate 'the other' in your activism. Speak to the divine essence of the other." That's a challenge to stop us in our tracks! It's all too easy to catch myself classing all the protesters as "them" and wishing they would just see sense (the way I see it!) and go home. 

Facing our own shadow can feel like an impossible task. If shadow is what is hidden from my consciousness, then how can I face it, let alone deal with it?  One important step is to be compassionate with ourselves when it is revealed and mirrored back to us! It's easy to berate myself for my anger and frustration at "them" (and thus create more anger and judgement, this time at myself!) Another way would be to compassionately understand how stressful this whole issue is and offer myself emotional support or practical care. 

Of course there are cultural, as well as personal, shadows to be addressed. We all need to "come to terms with our undigested history", said Stephen Dinan. Here's a clip where he speaks about his experience of  being the only white person in a group of elders in Peru.

Sacred Activism requires a balance of activism and spiritual practice. Activism on its own can become egotistical and lead to burnout. Focussing only on spiritual practice can be a way of avoiding taking any action. The Centre for Action and Contemplation founded by Richard Rohr, models a healthy balance. Instead of seeking to destroy what isn't working seek to build a better way. Knowing what that better way might be requires prayerful discernment, rather than reactionary energy. 

Quantam Leadership. This quote from Mother Teresa has stayed with me for decades since I first heard it. And that reminds me that an apparently small thing (like this one quote) can have a significant and lasting impact. That is exactly what quantam science is telling us. We influence the world around us by every action and attitude. This has been a recurring theme in these Birth the New Earth conversations.

The challenge to be a "quantam leader" can seem totally unreachable. It's easy to say, "I'm not in that league"and dismiss leadership as someone else's role.  But the startling perspective of quantam theory is that, whether we like it or not, we are 'leading' in some direction by every choice we make. The Biblical parables of a planting a tiny mustard seed which grows into a huge tree or adding a small amount of yeast which then "works through all the dough" say the same thing. (Matthew 13:31-33) 'Quantam' refers to the mystery of how a small choice can lead to a surprisingly significant outcome. 

The Biblical story of David and Goliath demonstrates this in real historical terms. It was indeed a "quantam leap" to see power shift from an army equipped with weapons and full body armour to a young man with a stone and a sling. 

Every one of these conversations ends with the contributors challenging us to find our own particular contribution to a quantam shift. It could be the mustard seed of an idea, the yeast of offering a different perspective in a conversation or courageously standing up for justice even though we may be ridiculed or hurt.

Catherine G Lucas Founder of Co-Creating Our Future, Author and Birth The New Earth Host
Stephen Dinan CEO of The Shift Network
Carolyn Baker PhD Author and Sacred Activist
Mick Collins PhD Author and Birth The New Earth Team Member