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Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

It is New Year's Eve and as I usually do, I'm reviewing the past year.   Here is a selection of quotes I've written in my journal in 2011. One or more of them may spark a line of thought that is useful for you too.  Happy New Year!

“He suddenly felt that what had been the source of his suffering had become the source of his spiritual joy and that what had seemed insoluble when he condemned, reproached and hated had become clear and simple when he forgave and loved.” Leo Tolstoy in Anna Karenina

“A [person] should be so clothed in God that no-one can reach [them] without touching God’s coat… The most fundamental thing anyone can do is bring a [person] into the presence of God and leave [them] there.” Thomas Kelly in The Eternal Promise.

“Make all cares into one care,
the care of simply being present.
You will be cared for by that Presence.”  From Cynthia Bourgeault retreat.

“Whatever you are not aware of you can be sure you will be acting out of.” Charlotte Beck – quoted by Cynthia Bourgeault

“Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.”
Frances de Sales

“We no more need a soap box to stand on than does the moon or a single blade of grass wet with dew. From Merton’s Palace of Nowhere by James Finlay

“Merton once told me to quit trying so hard in prayer. He said, ‘How does an apple ripen? It just sits in the sun.” From Merton’s Palace of Nowhere by James Finlay

“All we have to do as Christians is come back one more time than we go away.” Alexander Shaia at Spiritual Directors’ Conference.

Once when Pope John 23rd was dealing with major and delicate issues in the Church he was heard to say: “God it’s your church. I’m going to bed!”
Alexander Shaia at Spiritual Directors’ Conference.

“Your goal on the spiritual path should be to free everyone else from your ego!”  Craig Hamilton in Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life online course.

“Jesus spoke about God. Jesus spoke to God. Jesus spoke as God.”
            3rd person                     2nd person                   1st person
Ken Wilber in online interview about The Three Faces of God.

“The human heart is the first home of democracy.” Parker Palmer in a Sounds True interview Living the Undivided Life.