If you have read one of my previous Blogs (here) you will know that I am a Green Party member because I think Green Party values match Christian values. So it was with particular interest that I listened to Green Party co-leader Russell Norman's speech in the opening of Parliament. He based his whole speech on the Christmas story and how, as a country, we need to be following Christian values in order to have a just and sustainable society that takes care of all people and the environment.
You can watch the speech in two clips Part 1 and Part 2 (15 mins and 13 mins)
The fact that Russell Norman said he is not a Christian but an atheist made his speech even more powerful in my view! If a Christian politician had said the same things he or she would probably have been dismissed by many people as just "pushing their own barrow". Russell did an excellent job of presenting accurately and fairly the Christian story and calling all politicians to account for the ways in which these values are ignored.
It's a funny thing isn't it how the presence of Christ shows up in "unlikely" places! But then that was how it all began - with God incarnate in a baby in a stable.