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Friday, December 16, 2011

Lucy's Carol

This is one of my all time favourite Christmas "carols". It was composed by a five year old girl called Lucy and transcribed word for word by her mother. I found it some years ago in A Pocket Book of Spiritual Poems collected by Rumer Godden.

Lucy's Carol

When the baby borned
Joseph said to Mary
"What am I going to do about
this little-born Jesus Baby Christ?
I never knew it was going to be like this,
with all these angels and kings 
and shepherds and stars and things.
It's got me worried I can tell you,
on Christmas day in the morning."

Mary said to Joseph,
"Not to worry, my darling.
Dear old darling Joseph,
everything's going to be all right,
because the angel told me not to fear.
So just hold up the lamp
so I can see the dear sweet little face 
of my darling little-born Jesus Baby Christ."

Joseph said to Mary,
"Behold the handyman of the Lord!"
Happy Christmas, Happy Christmas!
Christ is born today.